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Скрипт для сравнения 2 частей кода.

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#1 tvrsh


    Активный участник

  • Администратор
  • 389 сообщений
  • Пол:Мужчина
  • Город:Russian Federation, Podolsk
  • Ник в сети:tvrsh
  • Каналы:#egghelp, #3hauka, #bash.org

Отправлено 24 сентября 2008 - 15:01

Скопируйте код в Alt+R
;begin Typos Code Comparison

menu * {


  <[Typos Code Comparison]>:compare 



alias compare dialog $iif($dialog(compare),-ev,-md) Compare Compare

dialog Compare {

  title "Typos Code Comparison"

  size -1 -1 191 256

  option dbu

  button "Paste Code 2", 3, 77 112 40 12

  button "Done", 4, 78 239 37 12, default ok cancel

  button "Paste Code 1", 5, 76 26 40 12

  button "Compare Codes", 6, 75 198 42 12

  edit "", 1, 4 40 183 64, multi return autohs autovs hsbar vsbar

  edit "", 2, 4 126 183 64, multi return autohs autovs hsbar vsbar

  box "", 9, 2 20 187 87

  box "", 10, 2 106 187 87

  box "", 11, 2 192 187 41

  text "Enter the codes to be compared into each box and then press the compare button.  Using the paste button will not erase the text first.", 12, 12 5 166 13, center

  text "Pressing Compare Codes will replace this text with information about the differences in the codes.", 7, 15 214 161 13, center

  box "", 16, 14 209 164 20

  button "{ }", 17, 176 26 10 12

  button "{ }", 18, 176 112 10 12

  button "Stay On Top", 19, 5 243 39 8

  edit "", 39, 4 25 183 154, hide disable read

  text "", 40, 6 66 179 74, hide disable center

  box "", 41, 2 20 187 173, hide disable

  button "OK", 42, 77 179 37 12, hide disable

  box "", 43, 9 0 172 21

  box "", 44, 2 237 46 17

  box "", 45, 75 233 43 21

  box "", 46, 143 237 46 17

  button "Erase all fields.", 47, 146 243 39 8


on *:dialog:compare:sclick:3:{

  var %tmpcbnum $cb(0), %tmpnum = 1

  while (%tmpnum <= %tmpcbnum) {

	did -az compare 2 $iif(%tmpnum > 1,$crlf) $+ $cb(%tmpnum)

	inc %tmpnum



on *:dialog:compare:sclick:5:{

  var %tmpcbnum $cb(0), %tmpnum = 1

  while (%tmpnum <= %tmpcbnum) {

	did -az compare 1 $iif(%tmpnum > 1,$crlf) $+ $cb(%tmpnum)

	inc %tmpnum



on *:dialog:compare:sclick:6:{

  if ($did(compare,1).lines == 1) && (!$did(compare,1,1).text) || ($did(compare,2).lines == 1) && (!$did(compare,2,1).text) {

	noop $input(You must enter a code in both code entry boxes before trying to compare them.,ouwd,Error! Nothing to compare!)



  filter -gifc compare 1 tempcompare.tmp /[^(?:^$)]/

  var %tmplines1 $lines(tempcompare.tmp), %tmpsize1 $calc($file(tempcompare.tmp).size - 2)

  filter -gifc compare 2 tempcompare.tmp /[^(?:^$)]/

  var %tmplines2 $lines(tempcompare.tmp), %tmpsize2 $calc($file(tempcompare.tmp).size - 2)

  var %tmpcompmsg1 $remove($calc(%tmpsize1 - %tmpsize2),-), %tmpcompmsg2 $remove($calc(%tmplines1 - %tmplines2),-)

  did -raz compare 7 Thats %tmpsize1 byte $+ $iif(%tmpsize1 > 1,s) in %tmplines1 line $+ $iif(%tmplines1 > 1,s) versus %tmpsize2 bytes in %tmplines2 lines for a difference of %tmpcompmsg1 byte $+ $iif(%tmpcompmsg1 > 1,s) and %tmpcompmsg2 line $+ $iif(%tmpcompmsg2 > 1,s) $+ .

  .remove tempcompare.tmp


on *:dialog:compare:sclick:17:{ $checkbrackets(1) }

on *:dialog:compare:sclick:18:{ $checkbrackets(2) }

on *:dialog:compare:sclick:19:{

  dialog - $+ $iif($did(compare,19) == Stay On Top,o,n) compare

  did -a compare 19 $iif($did(compare,19) == Stay On Top,Undo On Top,Stay On Top)


on *:dialog:compare:sclick:42:{

  did -hb compare 39-42

  did -ve compare 1-3,5,9-10,17-18


on *:dialog:compare:sclick:47:{ 

  did -r compare 1-2,7

  did -a compare 7 Pressing Compare Codes will replace this text with information about the differences in the codes.


alias checkbrackets {

  var %tmpdola1 = $1, %leftbracketcntfull = 0, %leftbracketcnt = 0, %rightbracketcntfull = 0, %rightbracketcnt = 0

  if ($did(compare,%tmpdola1).lines == 1) && (!$did(compare,%tmpdola1,1).text) {

	noop $input(You must enter a code before trying a bracket check.,ouwd,Error! Nothing to check!)



  var %dlines $did(compare,%tmpdola1).lines

  while (%dlines ) {

	if ($regex($did(compare,%tmpdola1,%dlines).text,/((?::|\s|^){(?:\s|$))/g)) { inc -u2 %leftbracketcnt $regml(0) }

	if ($chr(123) isin  $did(compare,%tmpdola1,%dlines).text) { inc -u2 %leftbracketcntfull $count($v2,$chr(123)) } 

	dec %dlines


  var %dlines $did(compare,%tmpdola1).lines			

  while (%dlines) {					   

	if ($chr(125) isin $did(compare,%tmpdola1,%dlines).text) { inc -u2 %rightbracketcntfull $count($v2,$chr(125)) }

	dec %dlines


  var %tmpcnt $did(compare,%tmpdola1).lines, %rightbracketcnt = 0

  while (%tmpcnt) {

	tokenize 32 $did(compare,%tmpdola1,%tmpcnt)

	if ($1-) { var %tmpnumba $iif($2- != $null,$numtok($1-,32),1) }

	while (%tmpnumba) {

	  if ($ [ $+ [ %tmpnumba ] ] == $chr(125)) { inc %rightbracketcnt }

	  dec %tmpnumba  


	dec %tmpcnt


  if (%leftbracketcnt == %rightbracketcnt) { var %tmpmsg = Your brackets appear to be all matching up. $crlf, %tmpnotright = yes }

  else { var %tmpmsg = %tmpmsg You have a bracket mismatch. $crlf }

  if (%rightbracketcnt != %rightbracketcntfull) || (%leftbracketcnt != %leftbracketcntfull) { var %tmpmsg = %tmpmsg There seems to be $calc((%leftbracketcntfull - %leftbracketcnt) + (%rightbracketcntfull - %rightbracketcnt)) brackets that mirc will not recognize as valid. This doesn't always mean there is an error as sometimes you might use $chr(125) in the code itself like the $chr(125) found in $!regex($1-,/}/). }

  elseif (%tmpnotright == yes) || (%leftbracketcntfull) && (%leftbracketcnt) && (%rightbracketcntfull) && (%rightbracketcnt) { var %tmpmsg = No bracket errors detected. }

  var %tmpmsg = %tmpmsg $crlf $crlf $crlf Press OK to to return to the code entry boxes.

  did -hb compare 1-3,5,17-18,9-10

  did -ev compare 39-42

  did -b compare 39

  did -a compare 40 %tmpmsg


;end Typos Code Comparison

#egghelp @ IrcNet.Ru

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